Osho: intuition: knowing beyond logic
Sunday, February 01, 2009
On Marriage
People go on avoiding marriage, people go on putting it off. When someday they find it impossible to get out of it, only then they relax. If you are outside it, it may look like a beautiful oasis in the desert - but as you come close, the oasis starts drying and disappearing. once you are caught in it, it is an imprisonment - but remember, the imprisonment doesn't come from the other, it comes from within you.
fear of marriage is fear of imprisonment, of no longer living life freely - as and when you want it.
fear of marriage stems from inwardly not wanting to commit and be responsible for the other.
fear of marriage is not wanting to conform to society and religious accountability in life.
*quote* Freedom only exists when love is present. The person who gives him or herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. *unquote*
*quote* We may not get what we wanted but we are in control of what we can do, and the outcome is not for us to decide. If we had one chance, whatever the outcome it may be or what we may presumed, let's not lose that one chance, for we may not have another. *unquote*
- I honestly can't remember where I got these from though!
posted by dee3 @ 12:08,