
come UMNO's general assembly every year, people are abuzz with speculation of leaders / speakers on stage.. on their meaning, intonation, gestures, mind-set, innuendos, and the like.

regardless whether it's UMNO for the Malays, or MCA / Gerakan for the Chinese or MIC for the Indians, the fact remains the same... that it's the party for the race.

so does defending the rights, in uttering those words can also be seen as to ignite racial integrity in the race.. WRONG?
pro: FINE! keep talking about the same issue of rights the whole time but sitting on your butt all the same, and expecting things to work out your way. and dont forget the dramatical / theatrical effects while you're at it. after all, you have the stage and the chance to be aired on national televison.
con: FINE! so what if the other races are unhappy about what's being said or what actions has been taken?

so is it fine to instigate racial hatred?

the answer, in my mind is NO.

i've been toying with the idea since before 31.08.07 to write something about the soveriegnty of the country. of how our leaders of the pre and post-merdeka years build up the country by tackling the economy and social divide. and how i've always felt lucky since i was small (say 7 yrs old) that i am a malaysian (instead of other south-east asian countries). okay, so perhaps minus brunei.

but what has been done now?

why are we still not thinking along the lines of making malaysia for malaysians, instead of just standing and letting all opportunities of coming together in unity passes us by?

am i instigating something here?
No, am not.

i am just wishing that our leaders (for the time being) will have sense and decorum in instilling patriotism in the rakyat by making the rakyat realise that malaysia IS, for malaysians.

and also to take heed of statements regarding this, and not just throw the judiciary system away by letting it rot from within.

this, definitely... wont be achieved in an instant. so when's the mind-set gonna change?
not ever, i guess.


posted by dee3 @ 15:18,


At 7:35 pm, Blogger mokk said...


U got a nice blog...seronok saya baca.

At 9:52 am, Blogger dee3 said...

salams too...
thanks for the kind words :)

At 6:05 pm, Blogger Blow d' whistle said...

happy blogging....

keep up the nice simple wording.


At 11:12 pm, Blogger dee3 said...

hehe thanks

complicated mind, simplistic approach (hopefully).

shouldnt we be? :D


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